Our Blog

  • Perth/Fremantle, November 2023

    Perth/Fremantle, November 2023

    My actual paid work sent me to Perth for a few days in mid-November 2023. While I was busy for most of the days, I did have the opportunity on a few evenings to get out and take some photos. It was very warm, so I limited my adventurousness a little, but I did manage…

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  • Where has the shop gone?

    Where has the shop gone?

    As some of you may know, I originally had a shop associated with this site. It never really did anything useful, apart from keeping me occupied playing around with it. I didn’t sell anything. In about 20 months of operation, I didn’t sell a single product. There are, I think two possible reasons for that:…

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  • A Journey to Tasmania – Part 3: Bruny Island

    A Journey to Tasmania – Part 3: Bruny Island

    This week, I’ll talk about our trip to Bruny Island. This island lies to the north of the Channel Peninsula, and forms the barrier between the D’Entrecasteaux Channel and the bay into which the Derwent River flows. It is effectively two islands joined by an entirely natural thin strip of land, and is quite well…

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  • A Journey to Tasmania – Part 2B: Hastings Caves and Thermal Springs

    A Journey to Tasmania – Part 2B: Hastings Caves and Thermal Springs

    In this post, I’ll talk about the Hastings Caves themselves, and the Hot Springs Pool walks. In my previous post (see here) I discussed the general travel and food considerations for this location. Arriving at the Caves Visitors Centre The Caves Visitors Centre is a few kilometres past Hastings, and a bit further inland in…

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  • A Journey to Tasmania – Part 2A: General comments on Hastings Caves and the surrounding area

    A Journey to Tasmania – Part 2A: General comments on Hastings Caves and the surrounding area

    Our second outing for the trip was down to the Hastings Caves and Thermal Springs. I’ll cover the caves and springs themselves in the next post, but the travel there and back warrants some mention, so I will discuss that first. Caves next week. I didn’t take any photos on the actual travel part of…

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  • A Journey To Tasmania – Part 1: Tahune Air Walk

    A Journey To Tasmania – Part 1: Tahune Air Walk

    Due to an unfortunate family event, the opportunity arose for the Sprite clan to spend a week and a bit of the school holidays actually on holiday in Tasmania. I had spent nearly 2 weeks there a few weeks previous, but I was working and attending to family business and didn’t have a great deal…

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  • Be Curious Photo Walks, April 2023 edition

    For the last six months or so I have been going on a monthly walk with other photographers at various locations around Canberra. The Be Curious Photo Walks are the brainchild of Cristy Frohlich Photography, and if that name sounds familiar it is because Cristy got a mention in a previous blog post here. The…

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  • Canberra Balloon Festival 2023

    Hello! This week, a quick summary of my early morning trip to the Canberra Balloon Festival 2023 opening weekend back in March. You may recall last year (see my blog here) that I was quite uncomplimentary about the new Balloon Festival hub being down on the Patrick White Lawns between the National Library and the…

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  • Autumn Flowers

    Autumn Flowers

    Hi everyone. This week I’m sharing some flower images from my garden. It’s been a wet (and suddenly cold!) April in Canberra but I have managed to get out few times to photograph. I’m keeping the weekly blogs going for now, but I’m going to start needing serious input into what you’d like me to…

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  • Thirlmere Festival of Steam 2023 – Part two

    Continuing last weeks entry on my trip to the Thirlmere Festival of Steam 2023, this week I share my photos and discuss things in Thirlmere itself. The photos are all related to the Festival of Steam, but I do include a few other observations on getting coeliac-friendly food in Thirlmere. See Part One here. Other…

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