In April 2022, my daughter and I spent another day at the National Zoo and Aquarium. As usual, I took lots of photos. This was before I got the new camera, so these photos are all taken on the Pentax K-S2 20MPixel camera.

The blog post on the previous trip can be found here: Previous Zoo trip

For more details on the Zoo, please see their webpage. National Zoo and Aquarium

In the interest of not repeating shots I have put up here from the 2021 zoo trip, I have tried to find shots that are distinctly different to my previous set. I think I have mostly succeeded… the exception being another photo of a meerkat, because meerkat’s are cute.


The last time we went to the zoo, I’m pretty sure the zebra’s were not in the giraffe enclosure, like that normally are. This time around, they definitely were, so I got some photos. Zebra in the late afternoon light. I wasn’t happy with the giraffe photos. I have a nice action series of a giraffe walking, but the individual photos are not terribly exciting and I don’t think they would make anything terribly interesting if i strung them together as a video. I might just as well take a video, in that case.

Black-capped Capuchin. It’s not so obvious in this photo, but they do actually have a black cap.

The black-capped capuchin is one of a series of medium-sized monkeys not far from the giraffe and zebra enclosure. We were walking in the other direction so this photo was actually taken before the one above, but you’ll cope. I struggle to take decent photos of these guys because they are usually at a bit of a distance and can be prone to moving rapidly. I took a series of shots of this guy/gal in the hope that one came out alright. It’s not ideal, I’ve had to do some processing to remove the worst consequences of the fact that he/she was partly in sun, partly in shadow. Focus isn’t quite right either – this shot was from the end of the series and I didn’t have continuous focus turned on, so we were just reaching the edge of the depth of field. The Pentax’s continuous focus sometimes gets confused and starts trying to focus on strange things so I have tended to not use it.

Fairy Penguin (or “Little Penguin”)

I quite liked this shot of the fairy penguin. Again, one of a series of shots, although I wasn’t continuous shooting, like I did with the capuchin. From a distance they look quite cute, but close up I feel they probably have bird-of-prey ancestry. My that’s a nice beak you have! The penguins were very active this day, with over a dozen in the pool at a time. I don’t remember if it was feeding time – it may have been. We’ve certainly been there when they’re being fed before. None of my photos show zookeepers in the enclosure so I suspect not, but I don’t remember.

Rhinoceros. And Pidgeons.

As always, I paid my own admission (and my daughter’s) to the zoo. I am not sponsored or endorsed by the National Zoo and Aquarium in any way, but I do have their permission (and you need permission) to market my photos taken from the zoo on products. Let me know if you’d like any of these photos or photos from my previous zoo post made into a product. I donate a minimum of $1 from every product I sell featuring a zoo photo back to the zoo to assist funding their work.

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