My actual paid work sent me to Perth for a few days in mid-November 2023. While I was busy for most of the days, I did have the opportunity on a few evenings to get out and take some photos. It was very warm, so I limited my adventurousness a little, but I did manage to get around to Fremantle one evening and got a few nice sunset shots. The rest of my photography was a bit of a mixed bag – I wasn’t terribly happy with most of it.

Day 1 – Night shots from a hotel window

I experimented a little with taking shots through the double glazed windows of my hotel room. I hadn’t taken a tripod with me, but I was able to improvise an arrangement with the furniture in the room to provide a suitable platform for taking the long exposures I wanted to experiment with. Not the best location, but it was an interesting experiment.

Perth skyline at night – view East-ish from my hotel window.

Day 2 – Fremantle

The second evening, I jumped on a train after work and went down to Fremantle for the mandatory sunset shots. It has been a hot day, but there was a steady (albeit warm) wind blowing which made it quite bearable. Like just about every other tourist in the vicinity, I headed for Bather’s Beach for the photo opportunity. Along the way, I took a few shots of other things.

Dating from the very early years of Fremantle colonisation, this tunnel was carved as a short-cut between Fremantle settlement (behind the camera) and what is now Bather’s Beach but was, at the time, the place where whaler’s brought their catch ashore.
Opposite the Whaler’s Tunnel is High Street, leading up to the Fremantle Town Hall.

Day 3 – Supreme Court gardens/Stirling Park

I had intended to go to a Thai restaurant for dinner, and took the camera along for a walk. The restaurant was fully booked, however, so I did a wander through Stirling Park and around the Supreme Court gardens. I had intended to get some night time street shots, but since my dinner plans were sunk, I ended up heading back to the hotel much earlier than intended and there were still too many people on the streets. Photo pickings this day were very slim.

I remembered London Court from a previous visit, and made a specific point of looking for it. Sadly my photos of the outside didn’t come out to my satisfaction, so I guess that means I’ll have to go back to Perth some time.

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