During one of the open times in 2021, the kids and I did one of our periodic visits to the National Zoo and Aquarium in Canberra. As is usually the case, I took the camera. The zoo is usually quite popular, and getting photographs without other people in them can be challenging. Also, I don’t have any special access, so I have to rely on the animals doing the right thing for a good photo. Like many things, it takes a bit of luck. However, I think I had a few photographs worth sharing, and here they are.

I haven’t decided what to do in the way of products for these. I have permission from the Zoo to market products with these photos on them, and my intention is to donate some of the proceeds from the sale of those products to the Zoo. Send me your suggestions for products.

To be clear: The Zoo terms and conditions of entry prohibit the sale of photographs taken at the Zoo. I understand this is standard for most (if not all) Australian zoos at least. I have sought and received permission to produce and sell products with these photographs. In doing so, however, I am to make it clear that the Zoo does not endorse my products in any way.

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