Multi-part blog – 29 June 2022 – Introduction

This week, I decided to make a trip to the outer edge of Sydney. The NSW Rail Museum in Thirlmere were running their Annual Steam Festival (postponed from earlier in the year), and I wanted to photograph that. However, I’ll leave my discussion of that until another post as I have more than a post’s worth of content from that alone. I also haven’t downloaded and looked at my photos yet. This week will be a few smaller posts on other parts of the trip.

I’m going to try something different this week. In previous posts, I have been doing one post with several sections covering different things. Instead, this week I will break this post into several parts and publish each one as a separate post. My theory is that this will permit people to read only content they are interested in. You won’t have to read through (or skip over) my EV comments to see what else is here, for example. Search engines will be able to focus in on particular content, which should make the individual posts more findable. Larger single-subject posts will continue to be done the same way.

So, what is here this week?

  • This was my first long(er) trip in the EV, and I’d like to share some of my thoughts on the trip. Short summary: It was an easy trip!
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One response to “A trip to Sydney… (almost)”

  1. Mark

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

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